Max Monis

My name is Max

My world is software


I build websites in my spare time for fun and to try out new tools and techniques. Most of the repos on my github are public, and the following sites are currently deployed:

The stack of this workout tracking PWA includes Next, TypeScript, Tailwind, React Query, and Firebase. Building the original MERN version was the main way I taught myself to code, and I also began work on a version 2.0 before switching to Next.

I built this MERN app with TypeScript, MUI, and React Query. It allows users to vote on which athletes are the greatest in a variety of sports, categories, and timeframes. Uses Firebase for authentication, the Wikimedia API for search, and i18next for localization.

I'm currently working on this new version of my sports voting app, which relies on the Sports Reference API, Next App Router, TypeScript, and Tailwind. The repo is private for now.

My girlfriend's portfolio, which she designed and I built using the Next App Router, TypeScript, and Tailwind. Relies on GraphQL and DatoCMS, as does my own personal website.

My mom's blog, created with the Next App Router, Typescript, Tailwind, and DatoCMS. Uses Nodemailer for automated emailing and Firebase for authentication and user comments.

About Me

Max Monis

Not really Tom Hardy (sorry)


Sports ➔ Music ➔ Fitness ➔ Software


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript

React, Next, Gatsby, Angular

Sass, Less, Tailwind, MUI


I'm currently a Senior Frontend Engineer at Sowingo.

Feel free to say hi.